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We are offering 20 small wearable phurbas made and blessed by Dungse Tertrul. They contain Terma metal from ThangTong Gyalpo and also a small amount from Terton Pema Lingpa, Drupthob (mahasiddha) Nagay Rinchen, metal collection from Shabdrung. Tertrul recieved the Shabdrung metal powders because  someone there was making 1000 Shabdrung statues (Shabdrungs metal collection will have elements from many high lamas) and they gave him a small portion to add to these phurbas. 

We are asking for a minimum $450.00 donation for each of these 20 Phurbas of course you are welcome to give more if you have the capacity. 100% of the funds raised will be offered to Dungse to aid in the completion of the monks housing/retreat houses. 

Blessed Terma Metal Phurba

    Ewam Kusum Ling
    P.O. Box 160 Bayside, CA 95524
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