Ewam Kusum Ling
Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism
Humboldt County, California USA


Preparing the ground for the Stupas Laying the Grid

Loving kindness Relics Tour

Loving kindness Relics Tour

At Vets Hall Arcata May 2014

At Vets Hall 2014 Loving Kindness Buddhas Relics Tour

Breakfast at Ewam Ku Sum Ling on day of preparing the ground for the Stupas

Chenrezig Empowerment

Preparing the Ground for the Stupas

Putting the offering Vases in the Earth under the Stupas

Preparing to lay the grid for the Stupas

Preparing the ground for Stupas, Chanting.

Chenrezig Empowerment 2013

Ceremony for preparing the ground for Stupas

Rinpoche During Red Chenrezig Empowerment from Kusum Gondue Cycle

Preparing the Ground for the Stupa

Sangha and Ground Laying Stupa Team... Go Team Padmasambhava

Rinpoche during Tonglen and Bodhichitta Teachings 2013

Chenrezig Empowerment

Preparing the Ground for the Stupa

Preparing the Ground for the Stupa

Preparing the Ground for the Stupa

Rinpoche With H.H. The Dalai Lama